Documentation and additional information to support the use of LDT are provided at the links below.
Arsenault, K.R., S.V. Kumar, J.V. Geiger, S. Wang, E. Kemp, D.M. Mocko, H.K. Beaudoing, A. Getirana, M. Navari, B. Li, J. Jacob, J. Wegiel, and C.D. Peters-Lidard, 2018: The Land surface Data Toolkit (LDT v7.2) – a data fusion environment for land data assimilation systems. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3605-3621, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-3605-2018
Online HTML-based documentation reflecting the master branch of NASA-LIS/LISF is available on our LISF documentation GitHub page.
PDF-based documentation specific to each release is available under our Releases page.
Additional documentation:
A few helpful LDT terms to be familiar with:
"Native" files: Where the user is able to read in parameter files in sort of their "native" state from their original data source, like NCEP or NCAR.
LIS-team processed files: Where the user reads in parameter files, originally processed by the LIS team, that are in a specific binary-format (*.1gd4r = direct-access, big-endian 4-byte reals) and have the "UMD" landmask imposed. These files are commonly referred to as "LIS-data".
The "Fill" options: Where the user can select options to "fill" in a missing or "water-based" parameter value where a valid mask point indicates "land" is present. Options include how many neighboring values to search (the "radius") and a set default value if no neighboring values are found. The "fill" step occurs after an input parameter field has been spatially transformed to the LIS output grid.